Welcome to Maranatha
Ki Chi Saga
Ki Chi Saga Days is a citywide celebration in August of each year.
The annual parade is a fun time where we as a church enjoy walking in the event singing from the parade float and passing out Tootsies socks and loads of candy.
Skate Competition
On Saturday morning, our church, Maranatha Chisago Lakes Campus, hosts a skateboard competition at the local skate park just behind the church.
Free Air Brush Tattoos
On Saturday, of the Ki Chi Saga weekend, the park in Chisago City is filled with food vendors, craft vendors, live music and us! Maranatha Chisago Lakes Campus (hey that’s us!) has an air brush tattoo artist come in to our booth and we pay her to give free air brush tattoos all day long to people who attend the Ki Chi Saga event. We just want to bless the community. Some people believe the church is just after your money. We want to let the community know that we are there for them.
Local Food Shelf
Maranatha Chisago Lakes Campus partners with our local food shelf throughout the year. We gather ingredients for Thanksgiving dinners and Easter meals. We have a Food Shelf Box for continuous donations in the entry to the church. Our congregation loves helping people in the community and this really becomes a fun challenge.
Harmony in the Park
Lindstrom has a summertime Wednesday night concert in the park. One Wednesday each summer, Lindstrom calls the night a Faith and Family Night. They have Christian artists perform and invite the local churches to come into the park and be a part of the festivities. Maranatha Chisago congregation has fun just hanging around the park and talking with people the whole evening. We bring cookies and coffee, a bouncy house, face painting, fair hair and this year we brought air brush tattoos. It’s a fun, relaxing evening in our community.
Community Meals
Community meals is a joint ministry of five local churches (including ours!). Church and community members volunteer to serve a delicious meal and offer fellowship in a friendly environment. This is a free meal offered every Monday from 4:00 - 6:00 pm at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in Chisago City. Our members serve and make desserts on an ongoing basis.
Get Involved With Tootsies!
Tootsies is a Maranatha Ministry operated and funded by volunteers for the purpose of providing new stockings to targeted communities within Minnesota. This outreach recognizes the essential role that socks play in maintaining health, hygiene, and well-being. Socks are needed and requested most by those facing financial hardship. Consider offerring your time to help with sorting, packing, and distributing socks.
Contact Daniel Witte to learn more and take action.