Welcome to Maranatha

Chisago Lakes Campus

Sermon: The Holy Spirit & Baptism pt. 3


This week, Pastor Bill continues in this sub-series of our series in Acts, where we're focusing heavily on Baptism, and ultimately, the Holy Spirit. Today, listen along as Pastor Bill talks about what the Holy Spirit does, and how His influence in our lives helps us change for the better. We hope you are challenged this week to grow in your relationship with the Holy Spirit, and hear from the Lord! We hope you have a great day.

Sermon: The Holy Spirit & Baptism pt 2


This week, Pastor Bill shares part two of this message about the Holy Spirit, and our ability to connect with Him. Pastor Bill also shares about the incredible opportunity we have as believers to be filled with the Holy Spirit, allowing us to grow in our relationship with The Father, through the name of Jesus. What a powerful message it is that we can proclaim our faith in this way! We hope you are challenged and encouraged this week. We love you!

Sermon: Did you know? The Holy Spirit & Baptism


Thanks for tuning in! This week, Pastor Bill continues in our series in Acts, where we learn all about the Holy Spirit's role in the Christian life. Pastor Bill also highlights the necessity of baptism in our walks with Jesus. Once we are saved, it is important to tell people, and publicly proclaim it to those around! We hope you are challenged to understand God more, and to proclaim your faith this week. We love you!

Sermon: Learning from Paul


Thanks for tuning in! This week, Pastor Bill continues in our series in Acts, where we learn from Paul on being a witness to other for Jesus. Join us as we learn about how Paul responded to situations that arose, and how he was empowered by God to have knowledge of the Word, to tell others about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We hope you are challenged to know the Bible, and encouraged in your walk with Jesus today!

Sermon: Let's Change the World.


This week, Pastor Bill shares a message with us about the importance of being lights in our world. Taking out the trash in our hearts and being more like Jesus can often be a difficult task, it's impossible to walk out our faith if we don't! Pastor Bill shares with us this week some very practical ways to do this. We hope you are challenged and encouraged in your faith this week.

Sermon: Finding REST! (before you're forced to)


As we continue in our short break from our series in the book of Acts, Pastor Bill shares a message with us about the importance of finding rest in the Lord. Our lives have the potential to move very fast. We bounce from activity to activity, event to event, and responsibility to responsibility. However, this week, we are reminded that God does not intend for us to run ourselves tired all the time. We hope you enjoy as we learn about the importance of finding rest in the Lord.